About Harry
Harry’s practice focuses on helping clients with difficult cases. Harry has successfully represented victims of corporate, police, and local government misconduct.
After graduating from Yale Law School, Harry clerked for the Hon. Myron H. Thompson, a United States District Court judge in Alabama. After his clerkship, while many of his classmates went off to work at comfortable jobs for big companies, Harry started his career working for underdogs, as a public defender and as a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union and the Texas Fair Defense Project. Harry has litigated cases from the trial level all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States. One of the cases Harry worked on in Texas was the basis for the 2009 film “American Violet.” People tell me I should also share that I have been chosen as a SuperLawyer a few times, but, honestly, you should not count on that to determine my worth as a lawyer.

Representative Cases
Police Misconduct
In 2021, Harry and attorney David Owens worked together to defeat the City of Issaquah's attempt to deny the widow of a victim of police violence a jury trial. The Ninth Circuit agreed that the case should go to trial.
Estate of Leng by & through Yang v. City of Issaquah, 21-35040, 2021 WL 6101350 (9th Cir. Dec. 21, 2021)
In 2022, Harry helped a client win an appeal against the Department of Social and Health Services in a case of alleged elder abuse.
In 2021, Harry and attorney Jennifer Horwitz worked together to defeat the Washington Department of Correction's Motion for Summary Judgment. The judge ruled that DOC's attempt to appeal the ruling was frivolous. Roberts v. Khounphixay, C18-746 MJP, 2021 WL 228894 (W.D. Wash. Jan. 22, 2021).
In 2018, Harry helped a client win a federal habeas claim, substantially reducing his sentence. The claim was based on a Sixth Amendment violation that occurred years before in state court, a mistake that other lawyers had missed.
Also in 2018, Harry helped a client reverse a second-degree murder charge. The case was published by the Washington Court of Appeals. You can read the opinion here.
Constitutional Law
Harry served as pro bono counsel for a prisoner whose legal mail was illegally opened. In 2018, Harry helped with an amicus brief supporting Seattle's Democracy Voucher program. The brief was the work of Free Speech for People, Demos, and other groups. You can read more about the case and our brief here.